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It's not too late to send a gift card for Valentine's Day!
It's not too late to send a gift card for Valentine's Day!


Artist Jack Wilcox

Jack Wilcox

Jack Wilcox is a graphic designer, illustrator, and author. He has worked on the brand Our Name is Mud at Enesco for over 16 years and has designed thousands of products along the way. When drawing and sketching he much prefers sharpie or pencil and paper over a tablet. He has self-published numerous children’s books and art zines. Jack is left-handed, an avid bird watcher and nature enthusiast, loves stickers, drinks a lot of coffee, and puts hot sauce on everything. He lives in tropical Southern New Jersey with his very nice wife and two extra sweet children. His motto for life also happens to be Our Name is Mud’s tagline “Stay Positive, Be Kind, Enjoy Life, Every Day is a Gift”.

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